About EdTech Talents
The EdTech Talents project aims to make education and technology work together better in Estonia, Hungary, and Serbia.
We want to help academmic and support staff in these countries learn from successful EdTech companies in Austria, Germany, and Spain.
At the same time, researchers from these advanced countries will share their expertise and knowledge with EdTech companies in Estonia, Hungary, and Serbia.
We’re doing this by giving guidance and training so that good ideas and knowledge can flow between everyone involved.
This lines up with a bigger plan for cooperation and talent circulation between different sectors and countries to make education and business connections stronger.
Project Management
EdTech Talents management structure
The EdTech Talents projct management bodies are as follows:
The Project Management Team as the ultimate decision-making body of the consortium consists of one representative per partner, two representatives per coordinator.
Members of the PMT are:
Janika Leoste TLU
Sirly Väät TLU
Uglješa Marjanovic FTN
Luis Pastor URJC
Cristina Popescu UNIBI
Zsolt Lavica JKU
Eva-Maria Infanger MatheArena
Luis Pena Lurtis
Tim Scholze BLINC
Liis Siiroja EdTech Estonia
Sandor Feher EdTech Hungary
Dragana Malidžan Vinkic EdTech Serbia
Gabriella Mária Nagy OU
Steering Group as the supervisory body for the execution of the Project, which shall report to and be accountable to Project Management Team. Steering Group consists of a project coordinator and WP leaders.
Janika Leoste WP1, WP2
Luis Pastor WP3
Uglješa Marjanovic WP4
The Coordinator Tallinn University is the legal entity acting as the intermediary between the Parties and the European Commission. The Coordinator shall, in addition to its responsibilities as a Party, perform the tasks assigned to it as described in the Grant Agreement and this Consortium Agreement.
The Project Manager Sirly Väät assists the Coordinator.
Continue to the About page, Partners or to Events & News.
Are you interested in getting consultations from our experts?
Please send an e-mail to edtechtalents@tlu.ee