Navigating the Return Phase: A Time of Intense Engagement

Navigating the Return Phase: A Time of Intense Engagement

As we find ourselves navigating through the return phase of our research journey, it’s easy to assume that this period would offer a respite, a moment to catch our breath amidst the whirlwind of discovery. However, quite contrarily: just like the sleep after doing sports gives the body the opportunity to build muscle, this phase reveals itself to be a time of intense activity, brimming with opportunities to share our newfound knowledge and insights on several levels with our local communities. Teachers, students and publishers listen with great interest to the newfound reasons, why our project “MathArena” is working and supporting sustainable learning. Thus, our credibility and trustworthiness we’ve gained during the secondment phase have proven invaluable, enhancing our ability to connect with stakeholders and share insights effectively.

In fruitful discussion and exchange with Austrian teachers at the “Day of Mathematics” in Baden near Vienna – sharing the new insights to adaptive learning right after the 2nd secondment phase (March 2024)

Through immersion in various environments, we’ve not only expanded our regional horizons but also deepened our bonds of trust with stakeholders across the board. Moreover, the comparison with other countries also increases the appreciation of the established local networks and their support for us. By participating as StartUp  in the EdTech talents project, we are able to extend our reach beyond teachers, students, and publishers, engaging with academia, and governmental bodies to share both our successes and the challenges we’ve encountered across borders.

Our presentations and talks (e.g. talk about “Adaptive learning in maths” at the Austrian e-Education Practice Days) have evolved to incorporate deeper scientific insights, visualizations for breaking down complex knowledge, and a treasure trove of jointly collected anecdotes drawn from our cross cultural and generational experiences, captivating audiences and sparking interest in the novelty of our findings, hat gain greater validity simply because it is rounded off by experts from different countries, cultures and experiences.

Within our team, the synergy is palpable as workflow efficiency and awareness of the project’s significance rise due to positive attention and feedback from very much informed people from outside the project. Therefore, vision, mission, communication, and marketing strategies are not mere buzzwords any longer but evolve to guiding principles that drive our every action and decision.

Joining hands-on experiments and new methods for lower secondary level to get new ideas and combine digital and analog ways of learning.

Last but definitely not the least, preparations for new collaborations are underway, seamlessly integrated into our ongoing work. Every interaction, every conversation is an opportunity to gather perspectives, insights, and challenges that will be addressed through and collected for the new lens the EdTech Talents project offers.

In essence, the return phase is a time of dynamic engagement, where the seeds of collaboration and impact are sown, paving the way for continued discovery and innovation. Join us on Social Media as we navigate this phase together, sharing knowledge and shaping the future one community at a time.
