Triumf Health’s Inspiring Journey in Empowering Child Mental Health through EdTech – academia collaboration

Written by Matti Rossi.

In a dynamic world where innovation is key, Triumf Health, a visionary Estonian company specializing in mental health technology, has embarked on an inspiring journey of collaboration with Dr. Luis Pastor, a renowned Professor of Computer Architecture at URJC Madrid, Spain. This partnership propels Triumf Health towards its mission of revolutionizing mental health support for children aged 7-12, while also enriching the academic landscape with
cutting-edge research.

Triumf Health, led by Dr. Kadri Haljas, the CEO, and founder, envisions a future where its novel mental health technology is piloted in Spain. The primary objectives include testing their solution, co-creating with children to develop new functionalities, and utilizing the latest science publications. A potential doctoral project has even emerged as a promising outcome, further cementing the depth of this partnership.

Challenges are inherent in scaling any product to new markets, and for Triumf Health, research, product customization, and establishing credibility in the market have been paramount. Dr. Luis Pastor’s academic background offers invaluable insights and strategic guidance that will undoubtedly influence the company’s development and production processes.

Collaborative activities, ranging from brainstorming sessions to planned workshops and mentoring sessions, lay the foundation for future success. These efforts promise to enhance creativity, fostering an environment where innovative ideas can flourish. Marketing strategies are poised for refinement,
leveraging Dr. Pastor’s expertise in the Spanish market to target new demographics and form strategic partnerships.

Continuity is ensured through regular visits, collaborative workshops, and mentoring hours. With a focus on adapting the platform to meet Spanish
audiences’ needs, establishing key partnerships, and continuously gathering user feedback, Triumf Health is setting ambitious short-term goals to achieve tangible growth.

Innovation is at the heart of Triumf Health’s strategy. The guidance of an expert like Dr. Luis Pastor is instrumental in challenging existing paradigms, providing insights into emerging trends, and opening doors to collaborations and funding opportunities. Such expertise amplifies Triumf Health’s capacity
to innovate, ensuring its products remain not only novel but also viable and sustainable.

In closing, Triumf Health extends its heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Luis Pastor for his invaluable contributions. This collaboration not only promises a brighter future for children’s mental health support but also brings together the worlds of Estonian businesses and Spanish academia, forging a path towards groundbreaking scientific collaboration. Together, they are writing a successful story of innovation and impact in the EdTech market ecosystem.

This co-operation is made possible by EdTech Talents, an initiative under the Horizon Europe ERA Talents program, originating from Tallinn University.
This project is dedicated to enhancing the capabilities of researchers and research administrators, empowering them to excel in knowledge transfer
initiatives and fostering an entrepreneurial mindset. EdTech Talents strives to facilitate strong collaborations between academia and non-academic sectors while fortifying the EdTech innovation ecosystems in Estonia, Hungary, and Serbia through a sustained, long-term knowledge transfer journey.



