Martin Sillaots


PhD Martin Sillaots, Associate Professor of Serious Games and the Head of the Digital Learning Games international master’s programme ( at Tallinn University (Estonia).

Martin teaches courses like Agile Project Management, Master’s Thesis Seminar, Design of Serious Games ( and Gamification Workshop (

He`s a project manager of several national and international projects.

The latest serious game project was Methodyca ( game about research menthols.

Product idea

I have taught project management-related courses since 2000 in different educational institutions (universities and vocational training companies).

So far, I have used a project-based approach, flipped classroom, and computer-aided workshops to make the training more engaging and innovative.

I have made serious and learning games for different subjects but never for project management training. I believe project-based learning is engaging enough, and the structure supports well the content of the training.

Now it is time to connect both of my interests.

My idea is to analyse the needs and possibilities in designing and developing learning games for introducing different aspects of project management.

Those games can be used within classroom activities as physical card or table or role-playing games or integrated with the online learning environments as digital games.

The general settings of the instructional design follow the blended learning approach.