Mart Laanpere


PhD Mart Laanpere is a tenure track professor in the School of Digital Technologies, Tallinn University, Estonia.

He joined the university in 1997 and was then a co-founder and the head of the Centre for Educational Technology that is currently the largest EdTech research centre in the Baltic countries. While previously his research was focusing at pedagogy-driven development of online learning platforms and tools, digital competence assessment and OER methodologies, recently his research interests have shifted towards technology-enhanced learning in mathematics and computer science in K-12 schools.

He’s been coordinating several international R&D projects, chairing international research conferences in EdTech domain and contributing to development of several large-scale online TEL services in Estonia, including four Learning Management Systems, two national OER repositories etc. 

Service idea

Challenge: Although there exist a myriad of apps that try to gamify learning of math and computing, almost all of these fail to have a systemic and research- (and pedagogy-) informed approach to analysis and assessment of personalised learning paths that support the nurturing of self-regulated learning skills. Furthermore, the analysis of learning outcomes in existing apps takes place within one limited platform, while learning is never limited to one closed space (does not matter, physical or digital). 

Solution: to use the most advanced research-based framework (Evidence Centred Assessment Design, Task-Centred Instructional Design and Self-Regulated Learning theory) for building an open & interoperable, AI-supported brokering platform for operationalising a wide variety of constructs to be learned (cf. Computational Thinking, Mathematical Literacy, Digital Competence, Design Thinking, Self-regulation) and exchanging cross-platform data on evidence-centred assessment of/for learning, Learning Analytics, diagnostic and high-stakes testing and also personalised scaffolding to support personalised learning paths of learners. Not all of it at once, of course 🙂

The service should be compatible with IMS QTI, LTI, Caliper (xAPI) and other industry standards and possible to use as easy-to-integrate LTI provider app that connects any advanced LMS (Moodle, Canvas, Schoology, Schoolaby etc).