Janika Leoste


PhD Janika Leoste (born 1971) is an Associate Professor of Educational Robotics at Tallinn University, Estonia and a Post-Doctoral Researcher of IT Didactics at Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia.

Her research interests lie on developing innovative didactical methods for technology enhanced learning, technological educational innovations and their sustainability.

She is also leading the “Creativity Matters” IT didactics research group at Tallinn University of Technology, with the main research focus on didactical use of telepresence robots.

In addition, Janika is leading the interdisciplinary educational innovation collaboration cluster STEAM4EDU at Tallinn University that aims at developing knowledge transfer with EdTech companies and influencing the digital education landscape in Estonia and cross-border.

Service idea

Problem: There is an increasing need for knowledge transfer between academy and EdTech companies.

However, the involvement requires understanding on how such a collaboration could be beneficial to companies.

Several local measures exist for financing companies when they buy product/service/process development expertise from universities.

However, currently this process is not pro-active and even when companies would like to buy expertise, they have no idea who and how to reach or they could face the “not-interested-at-all” reaction.

Solution: To create an effective process model on how to provide educational scientists’ consultations to EdTech companies, also to create an easy to understand price list and up-to-date web-page with the experts’ profiles.